Other Tools

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Other Tools: Gi Jones AHI Tool - Plays samples through AHI (beta version) NewMIDIOut - Use non-standard serial ports for MIDI. (beta version)

Other tools - AHI

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The tool requires the AHI 4 archive. The Tool cannot be used using the Paula
driver for the internal sound chip.

IMPORTANT: Do not save valuable or important songs with the AHI tool in the track, the size of the tool structure data that is saved with the song may and will change, this will result in problems with older/newer tools. Save two versions of the song if necessary, one with the tools in the tracks, another with them removed.

bug reports to gi@gj-cent.demon.co.uk

i'm irc most nights, join #amiga on the europe side and look for Gi (of course :)

Brief Instructions

Before loading up the tool install AHI 4 and setup the Default audio mode using the AHI prefs program, set it to a mode on your audio card, Paula and Filesave aren't suitable.

Copy the tool to your B&Pipes tool directory.

Load B&Pipes.

Open the toolbox and select install tool from the menu. Select AHI.ptool as the tool to install. The AHI tool has a Red and White trumpet as it's icon, similar to the Amigophone tool.

Drop the tool into the track as normal.

Double click the icon to open the Edit window.

Description of Buttons

Load  - Loads a 16-bit AIFF sample to the current selected channel.

Flush - Opens up a requestor with the choice to clear the current sound or all sounds.

Select AHI mode - Allows you to change the audio mode used by AHI.

Load Next - Loads a sample on the current channel and selects the next channel, for quicker
	    loading of many sounds.

Reset - Resets the Pan position to Center.

Scratch - Toggles the scratch mode on/off.

Loop - Turns looping of sound on/off

Find - (not done yet) Finds a point in the sample where the volume is zero, to make click free loops.

Description of Sliders

Channel - Selects the current sound for this track.

Volume - Mastervolume for the track.

Pan - Selects Pan position for the track. (only works in Stereo++ modes)

Finetune - alters the pitch of the sound by small amounts.

Scratch Length - when scratching this selects how much of the sample will be heard once the scratching has finished, 0 means the rest of the sample will be played.

Scratch Range - selects the zoom factor for scratching, allows you to use just a small part of the sample.

Scratch Start - selects where in the sample the scratching will start

Attack - fades in a sample over a time period. Slider selects speed.

Decay - Fades the sample out when the note is released. Slider selects speed.

Pitch Bend Range - Shortens the range of the pitch wheel.

Loop Start - Selects where the loop (if on) will start, if Loop start is larger than loop end the looping will be played backwards, the little R for reverse pops up to let you know.

Loop End - Selects where the loop (if on) will end

Echo - Switches the echo off/on for this channel. (currently not fully working)

Echo Mix - Sets the balance between the processed signal, and the original signal.

Delay - Sets the distance between each echo.

Feedback - Sets how long the echos will sustain.

Cross - Sets how much of the signal will be fed into the other channel when panning.

AHI Mastervol - selects the mastervolume used by AHI.

Known Bugs/Limitations

-Only 16-bit AIFF samples can be used currently.

-Offset/Scratch with Loop switched on doesn't work correctly (will be fixed shortly)

-Scratch Only works in mono, this may change in the future.

-Pitch bend only works while a note is being played, ie. you can't raise the wheel before the note has started.

-Selecting the input channel (red arrow) on the track seems to mess up the sliders.

-Attack isn't working correctly, Decay works fine though.

-Altering the volume using CC#7 affects decay, (it sustains the decay)

-Pitchbend and scratch ranges aren't very linear yet, same with Attack and Decay.

-You can't select the same sound on two tracks and play the same notes (this may change)

-Echo on/off isn't working to well

-Sample labels are lost now and then.


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Configurable Output tool for Bars and Pipes

Preview release, things seem to work well, but no guarantee of stability.

This is a configurable midi output tool for bars and pipes pro 2+.

The serial device and unit can be specified in a prefs file (envarc:newmidi.prefs)

example prefs file:


the first line of the text file is the device name the second line is the unit number.

if the prefs file doesn't exist the tool tries to open serial.device unit 0.

as of yet there isn't much error checking in the tool, so make sure the specified device and unit are available, I've yet to find out how to abort the creation of a tool if the device allocation fails.

Note, the sysex dumping with this tool doesn't appear to halt playback like the standard tool, this might be a problem. The MTC code is untested, I don't use it, midi clocks work fine.

With my GVP IO extender there seems to be less load on the system than the internal port, i've yet to test playback with both ports running.

check out my GVP IO extender midi hack


for details on how to use a standard amiga serial port midi interface on this IO board.

Future improvements:

select device with GUI?
more than one device or unit, maybe.