HELP! Chapter 5 Using the Help Feature Have you ever opened a new window in a program you were just trying to learn and wondered what a certain button was supposed to do? Or maybe you just couldn't quite remember the purpose of one of its menu options? Becoming familiar with a new piece of software can certainly keep you hopping between working with your computer and thumbing through your manual. What if you could just click on a button and it could tell you what it did? Say no more! In essence, The PatchMeister has an on-line manual that you can access while the program is up and running. Here's how it works... If you want help, press the key. YouÕll find that the cursor will change into a question mark. This signifies that you are in help mode and The PatchMeister is waiting to see what you want help about If you want to know what a button does, click on it. If you want to know what the key does, press the key. If you have a question about a menu item, select it. When you are in help mode, normal processing is suspended and instead you will receive help text pertaining to the action that you just performed. It's as simple as that! When you are done reading the information, you can close the Help window or hit the key to re-enter the help mode and get information on another topic. If you like, you can use the Project menu Print item to print the contents of the Help window.